What Conditions Can be Treated with a Robotic Hysterectomy?

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The robotic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgery used to remove the uterus and alleviate symptoms of specific reproductive medical conditions.

Poor feminine health can cause unnecessary pain, discomfort, and an overall decrease in quality of life. Specific medical conditions of the uterus can be treated with a minimally invasive surgery that uses the latest robot-assisted and laparoscopic technology to partially or fully remove the uterus so that patients can continue their routine activities virtually pain-free. Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus is a board-certified doctor of osteopathic medicine and OBGYN with Essential Women’s Health Associates, located in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV, who is qualified to administer the robotic hysterectomy.

What is robotic hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves partially or fully removing the uterus. A robotic hysterectomy uses a combination of robot-assisted and laparoscopic techniques. Laparoscopies are used to give the doctor a camera-guided view of the reproductive system without having to cut open the abdomen.

What are the benefits of using robotic hysterectomy surgery versus a traditional procedure?

Robot-assisted techniques and laparoscopies reduce unnecessary incisions, shorten the duration of the surgical procedure, reduce the length of hospital stays, and allow for faster recovery. Traditional hysterectomies leave patients with one long incisional scar across the abdomen. Robotic hysterectomy requires tiny incisions that heal quickly and leave less scarring.

What medical conditions can a robotic hysterectomy be used for?

A robotic hysterectomy surgical procedure can be used for many uterine conditions:

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Treatment-resistant endometriosis

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Pelvic pain

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Cervical incompetence

Dr. Schoenhaus works with patients to assess their reproductive symptoms and determine if a robotic hysterectomy is the right treatment choice for them in Las Vegas or Henderson, NV.

How is a robotic hysterectomy performed?

Patients are brought to an accredited surgical facility where they will receive sedation so they can sleep through the procedure. A small incision is made in the abdomen to strategically place a laparoscope. The laparoscope provides a camera-guided and magnified view for the doctor to make an internal assessment of the reproductive system. Several small incisions may be made in the abdomen so that specific medical instruments can be used to remove the uterus. Once the uterus is partially or fully removed, the incisions are sewn up, and the patient is sent to the recovery room.

What is the recovery period like?

Most patients make a full recovery within a few weeks and can expect some limited mobility. Healing time varies and depends on physical health, personal medical histories, and the patients’ abilities to adhere to post-operative care recommendations prescribed by the doctor.

What results can be expected after the procedure?

A robotic hysterectomy is used to alleviate unwanted symptoms of certain reproductive medical conditions. After initial post-operative swelling, incision pain, and tenderness subsides, patients may experience an overall decrease in discomfort or pain in their day-to-day patterns.

Does health insurance cover a robotic hysterectomy?

If the doctor advises the use of a robotic hysterectomy or deems it medically necessary, then most health insurance policies will partially or fully cover the procedure. Our team at Essential Women’s Health Associates works with each patient and their insurance to assist in determining coverage. However, it’s important for patients to discuss coverage options with their insurance company and any out-of-pocket costs prior to surgery.

Learn more about a robotic hysterectomy

If you are living with uterine pain or a reproductive medical condition that may merit the use of a robotic hysterectomy, contact Essential Women’s Health Associates in Las Vegas or Henderson, NV to schedule a feminine health consultation with Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus today. Our initial exams can help determine if a robotic hysterectomy is right for you. Don’t delay living a virtually pain-free, full life any further.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.